Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Christmaspalooza's Past

Every year, my best friends and I would throw a huge Christmas party called Cristmaspalooza.  I am feeling pretty sentimental this year, so here are some of my favorite pictures from past Christmaspaloozas' past...
Christmaspalooza 2005
Susanna, Taylor, and I

Fun friends :)

Watching HDK try to tow all of our cars away...This is where the hatred began for my husband :)

senior pics with Sue

We were practically babies.
 Christmaspalooza 2006
I miss these girls so much!!!
D-Box caught Sue under the Mistlebell...kissy kissy.


Wall sit competition...Nate downed a 1/2 carton of egg nog while dominating the competition.

Steven showing off Callie's Christmas sweater.
Christmaspalooza 2007
my lovely friends :)

Tacky Christmas sweater time...a Christmaspalooza tradition (thank you Callie for providing them all)

sisters :)

Christmaspalooza 2008

Christmaspalooza 2009 (the final installment)
5 years and counting!

Kent caught the girls under the mistlebell

the finale
Merry Christmas, my fellow paloozers!  I miss you all so much!

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